His Mate- Brothers- Colin (Book Two of Benjamin and Ross) Page 10
Harley nudged him in the ribs with her elbow and he groaned, before sighing. But she was moving against him in the bed, turning towards him, and even if she couldn’t see him- she still wanted to be facing him…
“Look, Scooby-”
“And could you stop calling me Scooby?” he growled.
“No,” she snapped back, “but if I wanna go to town then I’ll go to town and I don’t need you to drive me, or sit outside my bedroom door, guarding me, but I never said I wanted to go to town, so hush your yaps.”
A second later and she gasped in surprise when his lips came down on hers. There was no teasing kiss. No gentle persuasion to open for him- it was as if they were right back in that moment, continuing on from where they’d left off the last time. His mouth was hungry and demanding, and she was melting by the second…
Colin didn’t waste a second longer. He pushed up in the bed, and moved to cage her in with his body over hers as he devoured her with one kiss after another until she couldn’t catch her breath… and then he retreated to allow her to breathe, before kissing her again with so much passion that she didn’t notice his hands stripping her clothes from her upper body until his hot kisses chased down to her breast and his lips closed around the hard nipple, sucking, nipping, and licking it into submission.
When her hand clamped down around the naked length of his cock, he groaned against her flesh.
“I’m still not naked enough and you’re still too far away,” she breathed out into the darkness.
Harley felt him knock her hand from around his length… lying there in the darkness with only the large shape of his body for reference felt more exciting somehow. She saw him retreat down her body, felt his hands stripping the rest of her clothes free, and then felt those strong hands grip her inner thighs as he pushed her legs up and back and opened her sex to him…
There was the hungriest growl that she had ever heard, and then she couldn’t seem to catch her breath as her head pushed back and her hips pushed upwards as his tongue devoured her sex… every stroke, every suck, every breath against her most sensitive area seemed even more heightened in the darkness, and she was glad of it, embraced it, and allowed everything that he did to her body to reach to the very heart of her.
She cursed when he sucked hard against her clit and ran his blunt teeth over the flesh as his tongue flicked at the nerves under the little hood. She gasped when his fingers pushed inside of her tight, gripping channel and opened her to the friction of his touch, and she mewed every time that he pulled her back from the edge of an orgasm and allowed her body to climb down before starting all over again to build her back up.
“I need you inside me…” she gasped as he started to work overtime at getting her to where she needed to go.
Her words must have echoed inside of his made and made his desire for her too hot to handle, and she tensed hard a moment before she was set free, buffeted over and over by the hard waves of the release that washed through her.
Colin kept the orgasm rolling through her body for as long as he could. Devouring her very feminine essence and longing for more at the same time as he needed to bury his length inside of her and feel her clench those inner muscles around him.
As she cursed and tried to even out her breathing, he climbed up her body and felt her legs come around his hips, trying to drag him closer, trying to get him inside of her in much the same way that his body craved it.
Her hands were on his back and her fingernails were pressing into his skin- he snagged her wrists up and pushed them over her head against the mattress, holding her there, caged beneath him as he lowered his hips towards her.
His length ran back and forth over the wet heat of her sex, covering it in her juices, before he found the entrance to her channel and pressed the crown of his cock into her. She was so damn tight as her muscles protested his entrance, but he pushed forward, loving every second, every millimetre that his cock slid inside, opening her body around his, devouring her silken wet flesh as he growled his way to the hilt inside of her body…
She cursed out at just how big he was. His length filled her and the girth stretched her to the point where she had to wonder if she could take anymore. His hand slipped under her body and he lifted her lower back from the bed, pressing just that bit deeper inside of her and getting a grateful moan in reward for his efforts…
“You feel so damn good, baby,” he breathed against her ear and felt the hard shiver wrack her body as her inner muscles clenched hard around his cock. He had to curse at the feel of it…
“That makes two of us,” she offered back, urging him to move with her feet at his back, and wasn’t kept waiting but a second longer when he pulled back his hips and dragged his flesh to the very edge of hers before he pushed to the hilt again…
“Bond with me, Harley, be mine,” he growled before dragging his hips back and pushing home again.
“Yes,” she breathed out and his heart leapt and his beast roared within him.
“Without reservation?”
“Big word,” she teased.
“Whole heartedly.” She offered back, silencing his fears, and sending his beast fevered within him.
“You know I need to mark you as mine?” he needed to make sure that they were on the same.
“You mean, you need to sink your fangs deep into my flesh and taste my blood down the back of your throat…” she teased him and felt his hips thrust his cock home as her body welcomed it, and the growl… so damned good…
“God, yes,” he growled against her ear, before his instincts made him run his tongue down her neck and over to the place on her shoulder where he would place his bonding bite…
“Do it now,” she begged as her hips came up to meet his hard thrusts.
“Hell, no,” he growled out, tightening his hold on her wrists as he held her body down against the bed, his hips moving faster, his length building up the friction between them until she thought she might go insane with the need to come once more…
“Bite,” she begged him, forcing his fangs down on a growl of denial. He needed to take her over the edge before he bit down deeply into her skin… “Bite, please, Colin, bite,” she knew what she needed to take her over the edge and right then it was the feel of his fangs in her skin…
His beast urged him on… demanding that he listen to his mate, and he placed his jaws on either side of her shoulder and pressed his fangs home to mark her as his. The piercing sting of each fangs entering her skin sent her body over the edge and she came undone around him…
Colin bite down hard, sinking his fangs deep into her flesh as her blood spilled over his tongue and down the back of his throat. He heard her mew at the same time as his beast roared at their bonding…
He released his fangs from her flesh and licked over the wound to clean and seal it. His body was on fire with the need to complete the bond between them and place his seed deep within her womb.
His own desire rose up on a rush so strong that he couldn’t have held it at bay if he’d wanted too, but he didn’t want too, he needed her now more than he’d ever needed anyone in his life before.
He’d been so close to allowing his rogue side to take him over that his mind and body were still feral. He wanted her and no power on earth, but hers alone, could stop him from having her.
He reached behind him and fisted his hands around her knees, pushing her legs ups and out, and opening her body to his deep, powerful thrusts as he gave into his wild side.
He grunted and growled as he took her back up towards another release. Her body had tried to milk the seed from his cock before and he craved that feeling again. This time he’d oblige…
His body caged hers in as he climbed up over her, her knees wedged against the hard muscles of his chest, as he loved her long, and hard, and as deeply as he could trust his cock inside of her; until he felt every inch of her body tense, felt her inne
r muscles clamp down like a vice around his cock- making him work harder, thrust faster, take her deeper with every stroke until the friction caused the most intense orgasm that she had ever know to shatter her body, mind, and soul…
His head went back on his neck and every muscle in his body was on fire as he pumped inside of her against the hard clench and release of her muscles. He felt the seed being suckled from deep within his balls as his movement became erratic, and he felt that pressure about to explode within him…
He howled at the intensity of the orgasm that tore through him. Over and over, he thrust deep into her, and buried his seed within her womb…
It wasn’t enough, would never be enough. He should have been sated and yet his body craved more, craved her more. Needed to have her like he needed the blood within his veins…
He reached out and snatched her up from the bed, one hand wrapped around her body and the other cupping her backside, keeping them locked together as he moved up the bed. His arm hit the wall, and he slid it out from behind her.
Palming her backside in each hand, he lifted her with him until he was fully up on his knees, and then he took her- like a man possessed of a wild thing- up against the wall… grunting and growling with each thrust until he thought he might lose his mind…
Harley’s hands were against his back, her fingers bit into the hard muscles that worked overtime beneath his skin, and her nails dug deeply as she dragged them down his flesh, scratching until she drew blood…
He roared at the moment that his body released his seed once more, exploding inside of her and sending her right back over the edge with him…
Meredith cast a motherly eye over the mates at the breakfast table. One by one the pairs had come down to eat after some mating of their own, and she’d cooked up a storm for them- knowing just how Lycan males could fill their stomachs.
Leanne eyed the food laid out on platters and groaned in her desire to partake like a hungry lioness with a fresh kill, and yet knowing that the morning sickness was stalking her every bite.
“Stop picking at your food and eat,” Meredith berated her.
“Maybe in another couple of month I can…” Leanne grumbled.
“I had a little time earlier, and I preformed a sage and ginger spell that should put that particular curse to bed,” Meredith informed her and Leanne’s eyebrows shot up on her forehead as her eyes filled with glee.
“Seriously?” She demanded and Meredith gave her a slow nod and a wry smile.
Leanne’s hand shot out and she slapped Ross’s hand away from the plate of bacon, snatching up a piece, and bringing it to her mouth where she clamped her teeth down and wrenched off her first bite…
“I’d advise everyone to keep their hands off the table for fear of losing a finger or two,” Tandy chuckled as the sound of moans of pleasure met with Leanne swallowing down a mouthful before she went in for a second bite and decided to stuff the whole thing in her mouth as she happily chewed.
“Leave the girl alone, she’s half starved,” Meredith berated her, much to Tandy’s delight.
Leanne started to lift platters and fork food onto her plate as Ross and Benjamin sat there in amused silence. Once she had a big old pile that could rival the food on Ross’s plate, she tucked in…
“Pass the bacon, Ross,” Benjamin asked from the head of the table and Ross shot a playful look towards his mate.
“Am I going to get forked if I do?”
Leanne narrowed her eyes on him and gave him a warning look, as Tandy chuckled into her hand.
“It’s like taking a bone away from a rabid dog,” she offered and Leanne’s eyes snapped in her direction. Tandy held up her hands in her own defence.
“Don’t shoot the messenger,” she chuckled and Leanne sneered at her, not wanting to waste time missing a bite to answer.
“Be nice,” Meredith warned with a sly smile, “it’ll be your turn next.”
Tandy’s mouth fell open and her eyes locked onto to the old witch, but the sound of her mate growling sent her eyes snapping towards him.
“Something you want to tell me, sweetheart?” he asked, raising just one curious brow.
“No,” Tandy swallowed down hard as her eyes snapped back towards Meredith again, “Is there?” she demanded and the old witch shrugged her shoulders.
“Maybe…” Meredith offered and got a hiss of annoyance back from Tandy in return.
“Not,” Tandy started as she turned her attention back towards Benjamin, “that I’m aware of at this moment in time.” Meredith’s chuckle soundly decidedly dastardly and her eyes flicked back towards the old woman.
Leanne bit out a laugh before she locked her jaws around a sausage and ripped it in two. Tandy narrowed her eyes on the woman and huffed.
“I’d watch your manhood if I were you, Ross,” Tandy offered and Ross’s eyes locked on that half a sausage, and he shivered accordingly as Leanne shot him a look out of the corner of her eye.
“That’s not…. Damn,” he muttered on another shiver as Benjamin chuckled.
“But if there was something- then you’d tell me?” Benjamin turned his attention back to his mate and Tandy frowned.
“When and if there is something then I…” she shrugged her shoulders, “may inform you in due course,” she sent him a mischievous grin. He growled back on a frown.
“Tandy…?” He started.
“What?” she looked as innocent as she could muster, “I have no idea, why don’t you ask the wicked witch of the north over there?” she pointed at Meredith and the old woman huffed.
“I don’t get involved in matters involving mates,” Meredith announced and everyone at the table stared at her in open mouthed silence…
“Much,” she offered. “I don’t get involved… much.” She turned her attention to the clock on the wall and narrowed her eyes. “Would you look at the time, I have a vampire to terrorise.” She pushed up to her feet…
“Terrorise?” Tandy asked with wide eyed alarm.
“Oh, just the odd spell here and there. A case of the itches that can’t be scratched. A smell of cow shit under his nose that won’t go away…” she said on a small shrug as if those were every day occurrences…
“Merry,” Benjamin growled out in warning.
“Oh, I won’t hurt him,” she waved the thought away, “too much.” She muttered as she stalked towards the back door and wrenched it open as Benjamin groaned in dismay.
“Poor Barker,” Tandy giggled.
“Is he likely too…?” Benjamin scowled at the thought of Meredith getting hurt.
“Run away screaming?” Tandy nodded emphatically- then she grinned. “But I hope that he gives her a run for her money first.” She chuckled. Feeling a fluttering deep within her womb that took her attention for a moment, and she frowned hard, wondering if maybe, just maybe, Meredith had been up to her tricks again.
The End.
A note from the Author;
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read one of my books. I hoped you enjoyed it and if you would be kind enough to leave a review at Amazon that would be amazing.
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Thanks and Blessings to you all.
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Comedy/ Romance Lycan Novella’s
The Mating Season (Book one)
The Mating Season (Book two was a Christmas Special and was written after Stealing his Mate)
The Lycan, the Witch and the wardrobe
Protecting His Mate
Chasing His Mat
Defending His Mate
Winning His Mate
Finding His Mate
Gathering Their Mates
Denying His Mate
Captivating His Mate
Guarding His Mate
Saving His Mate
Stealing His Mate
Misplacing His Mate
Wooing His Mate
Rejected By His Mate
Betting on His Mate
Not His Mate
Rescuing His Mate
His Mate- Brothers- Cody (Book One)
His Mate- Brothers- Dale (Book Two)
Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book One)
Revenge- The Alpha’s Nightmare (Book Two)
His Mate- Brothers- Zeke and Jeff (Book One)
His Mate- Brothers- Duncan (Book Two)
His Mate- Brothers- Shaw and Paden (Book One)
His Mate- Brothers- Ramsey (Book Two)
His Mate- Brothers- Wynn and Clancy (Book One)
His Mate- Brothers- Jett (Book Two)
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