Finding His Mate Read online

Page 13

  When these guys do mating, they really do mating!

  There was an x-rated movie playing on loop within her mind and her body wasn’t much better. It ached to be touched by him, ached to be filled by him. It was as if there was a fire just under her skin that she couldn’t extinguish. An itch that longed to be scratched, a craving that was more frantic than finding that last chocolate bar had already been eaten when you’d been longing for it all day…

  Willpower. Plain and simple. If you can go a week without chocolate, then you can do this.

  But when had she ever been able to go a week without chocolate? But this wasn’t anything as benign as chocolate, this was him, she actually craved him. When Zoe had explained the mating, she had told her the Lycan perspective, because she didn’t know how it worked for human’s but if he was feeling anything like this, then she was surprised he wasn’t climbing the walls.

  Kate turned her back to the spray and let the cooling water run over her shoulders and down her back, but it only heightened the feel of her breasts warning up again, so she turned back into the spray. Back and forth, until she felt like a damn spinning top.

  “It’s getting harder to ignore, isn’t it?” Dex’s deep voice seemed to come from everywhere all at once as it bounced over the tiled walls and into the glass cubicle. Kate jumped on a shriek of surprise, one hand covering the curls of her mound, while the other went over her breasts. Her eyes took in the large unmistakable shape of his body filling the doorway, and even through the frosted glass that barred her vision of him, the mental picture of him remained.

  “Naked here!” She spat out. The frustration inside her increasing tenfold, he was so close and yet the glass barricade between them made him feel so unobtainable.

  “Your body’s on fire, isn’t it?” Those deep seductive tones rolled over her skin like the water. She was trying to put the fire out and he was pouring fuel on the flame that was threatening to consume her.

  “Go away, Dex.” She ground out between clenched teeth.

  Don’t listen to me, I have a damn fever and I’m delirious, climb on in here and let me… oh make it stop!

  “Your body is calling to mine…”

  “Wrong damn number!” She spat out. Turning away from the temptation of him standing there and she palmed the walls in front of her. When she closed her eyes and dropped her head into the cooling spray, the icy blast of the water in her face did nothing but make her catch her breath and she pulled her face back and wiped a hand over her eyes and down her face to clear the water away.

  “Tell me you want me.” His breath travelled over her ear and her cheek like a caress, and she froze in the knowledge that he was behind her. As hot as she felt it was nothing compared to the heat she could feel running down the length of her back and her legs. A heat that came from him and enveloped her, seeping into her body, bone deep.

  “I want you.” She breathed out the absolute truth as her body swayed backwards against his. His arms encircled her, his palm flat against her stomach, and he pressed his body into hers. The hardness of his erection made itself known against her lower back. His lips felt like silk against her neck as he trailed kisses up her heated skin, nipping against the flesh of her lobe, and his hot breath fanned out over her cheek.

  “I won’t hurt you. You don’t have to be afraid of me.” His words told her what in her heart and mind she already knew. She had never felt safer in her life as when his arms were around her, as if nothing could ever hurt her as long as he was close. This close… Closer.

  Kate closed her eyes and allowed the sensation of his fingertips that were drawing invisible patterns across her wet skin, to flow through her. His heated touch flowed into her womb creating a pulse of pleasure. Each swirl of his fingertips, over her thighs, her hips, and her stomach caused her inner muscles to twitch in search of him, but he seemed in no rush to get there. His lips brushing against her shoulder felt like a butterflies wings, and when he lightly nuzzled against the mark he had placed into her skin, he heard her soft moan of desire and turned her in his arms.

  Kate was lost somewhere on the fluffy white cloud of arousal that enveloped her whole body. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t touching her everywhere, she could already feel him, anticipate his touch, and the places he was touching seemed to come alive. That feeling travelled down every nerve under her skin, waking up the next and the next, until there wasn’t an inch of her body that didn’t hum from his touch.

  When he pressed her body to his, the feel of her breasts against his chest made her nipples ache with the contact, and when she squirmed, tiny jolts of pleasure shot straight through her, and she yearned for more of that sensation.

  Dex wanted to open her thighs around him and thrust into her wet channel. But he also wanted more, he wanted her to give herself to him without reservation, the way she had in the field. He wanted her to be so caught up in the flame of desire that what he was didn’t even enter her mind for one second. That his wolf wouldn’t even be considered as he entered her, made love to her, but was that just wishful thinking on his part?

  Dex fisted his hand in her hair and tipped her head back, her lips parted in anticipation of his mouth on hers and when he kissed her it was with a passion that neither of them could deny. He wasn’t surprised when she matched his passion, the same desire burned within her as it did within him, to mate, to join their bodies, to be as one. What surprised him was when she tore her mouth from his, her lips burning a path down his chin and neck, and when she reached the sculpted muscles of his chest she became more bold, her teeth nipping at his flesh and then her tongue soothing over his skin.

  Dex couldn’t control the growl of desire that rolled through him, no more than he could control the groan of pleasure when she traced over his nipple with her tongue, a moment before she nipped the little hard bud with her blunt teeth. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to push her back to the tiled wall, hoist her up his body and bury himself within her. But she was on a journey down his body and he was too enthralled by her movements to stop her just yet.

  When Kate dropped to her knees before him there wasn’t an inch of his body that didn’t tense with the knowledge of what she was about to do. His erection stood hard and proud in front of her and bayed her on, his own mind saying a silent prayer to any deity that was listening, and a tiny bead of his cream gathered in anticipation. When Kate ran her tongue from the hilt of his arousal, tucked into dark curls up over the length of him, he felt his knees weaken as pleasure coursed through his body. Swirling her tongue over the swollen satin of the tip she tasted his essence before closing her lips around him and pushing down his shaft, taking as much of him into her mouth as his girth would allow.

  Dex groaned with the pleasure and the agony of what she was doing to him. Her hand had enclosed the base of his shaft and she was torturing him with a pleasure that he couldn’t control. The need to move inside her mouth was frustrating, because the way she was taking him with her mouth and her tongue was so damn good he never wanted it to end, and yet his whole body strained with the desire to move his damn hips, to set a rhythm, to push a little further inside her throat, to have her suck a little harder…

  Dex fisted his hands into her hair and she immediately sucked hard around him, pulling him down into the back of her throat and he came undone, his hips moved and she relinquished the control she had over him, allowing him to take her mouth in long steady thrusts that ended with the feel of her throat constricting around him, like a massage.

  Dex could no more stop the dark curses that rolled from his tongue than he could stop the sway of his hips. The speed of his thrusts increased and he felt his body spiralling towards a release. He started to pull out of her when her fingertips closed around his sack, tested the weight of him and she stroked a single fingertip over the area towards his backside that made him lose all reason. On a dark curse he issued her a warning, but she didn’t released him, she just worked with more passion, more desire over
him and Dex released the iron grip of resolve he had been holding onto and took her mouth with the total pleasure she was giving him, until he threw his head back and growled his sweet release down the back of her throat, his seed pumped from his body in waves of pure ecstasy, until he had no more to give.

  Dex released her hair and palmed the wall in front of him, holding himself up of unsteady legs as he fought to regain his strength. His muscles were weak, his breathing was ragged and he couldn’t comprehend a single thought within his mind as he savoured the slow burn of the aftermath of his release.

  It took him mere moments to recover his senses, but it had felt like forever caught up in the pleasure of his mate. But now his arms felt empty for her touch and he reached down with both hands and pulled her up his body, his mouth covering hers as he tasted himself on her tongue. He needed to touch her, to taste her, to give her the same pleasure she had given him.

  When he lifted her against him, she wrapped her legs around his hips and pressed her sex against his swelling arousal. The moan that escaped her lips was exquisite to his ears and rolled through his body like a lover’s touch. In a few long strides he had taken them out of the bathroom and towards her bed, easing her down to the mattress beneath him as he released the lock she had on his hips and started a slow journey down her body, tasting and teasing her, arousing every inch of her to life so that when he finally settled between her thighs, his tongue running the length of her sex, her body was more than receptive to his ministrations.

  Kate squirmed and tried to escape from beneath the onslaught of his tongue working against her, driving her close to insane when the only attention he gave her achingly empty core was to probe it with the very tip of his tongue. She wanted him inside her, filling the void of emptiness and yet he was lavishing attention elsewhere and she didn’t know how much longer she could stand the need that clawed at her mind. With his arms wrapped around her thighs, his hands both holding her in place and opening her to him, she was totally at his mercy and he was driving her close to insanity.

  When he finally released her, her whole body exploded with a barrage of sensation that rushed through her in hard throbbing waves that left her breathlessly searching for something concrete to hold onto. And when she finally managed to pry open her eyes, there he was, climbing up over her body, looking every inch the predator with his dark gaze fixed on his prize. The muscles in his shoulders and chest flexed and rippled under the tanned skin of his body as he held above her, his hands beside her shoulders forming a cage around her, but it wasn’t a cage she wanted to escape from.

  “Do you still want me love?” There was no mistaking the deep growl that rolled through every word and she knew that it should have chilled her in some way, but there was nothing but need, want and desire for him within her.

  Kate’s legs were still shaking when she wrapped them around his, her hands still trembled with the aftermath of her release as she reached for his shoulders. The feel of the hard muscles under the smooth skin excited her with his sheer power, a power she knew from her long talk with Zoe was due to what he was, but she didn’t care. Right here and now, nothing else mattered to her except that she wanted him with a passion that couldn’t be denied.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more.” Kate admitted as she ran her fingertips down his cheek, her thumb brushed against his lips and he was lost.

  Every inch of him begged to be joined with her, every desire was for her alone, and he’d been holding onto his own needs for long enough. His wolf bayed to be mated with her again, wanted the finality of the bonding that Dex wouldn’t allow, but demanded a taste of her blood.

  When he lowered himself over her, settling his weight in between her thighs, his arousal so swollen that it physically ached to be inside her, he took her lips with a gentle caress that tempted her to deny him entry. When her lips parted on an immediate response his tongue claimed victory, devouring her sweet mouth as he eased into her, taking her to the hilt on one long, slow thrust that had her silken walls enveloping his shaft like a glove and making her inner muscles clench and release around him of their own volition.

  Pulling out to the very tip before stroking back into the hilt, he set a slow rhythm and made love to her with infinite gentleness, claiming her mouth over and over as he lavished attention on her breasts and nuzzled into her neck. Running his tongue over the mark he had placed there, until her body and soul was wrapped up with his. When her fingers curled against his skin, her nails excited his wolf as they dug deeper with each faster thrust, until he had no choice but to snag her wrists and force her hands down on the bed beside her head.

  “No claws, Kate.” The warning in his deep velvet tone sent the excitement soaring through her, pushing her further towards the edge of her building release. The strength of his hands holding hers in place felt more freeing than captive as matched the thrust from his hips with her own, over and over until she couldn’t stand it any longer, the need to find release burned within her like a fire and his name slipped from her lips, time and again, until they were both swept up in reaching the heights of the need for relief.

  Dex could feel his feral side pushing to the forefront, his gums ached with the pressure of his fangs trying to push through until he was too far into his pleasure to deny them, a low growl rolled through him as they elongated and he turned his head from Kate, but she had already seen them.

  “Show me, Dex.” The breathless words escaped her lips, her body still moving with his as he gazed down with trepidation at her. But she didn’t flinch, her body made no move to reject him, and he didn’t feel any fear within her. And then she did the one thing he didn’t expect, she brushed her lips against his and his heart soared within him. His beast yipped from their mate’s acceptance of his true nature, and Dex tested her new found faith in him as he nuzzled against her neck, his tongue running over his previous mark and felt her come even more alive around him.

  Kate felt the excitement at seeing him like that. His eyes so black with desire gazing down at her, and his razor sharp fangs down and ready to sink into her flesh, that it thrilled her beyond belief, beyond reason. Somewhere inside her mind she knew she should be scared, but in her heart she knew she had nothing to fear from him.

  When he ran his tongue against her shoulder, in the place that Zoe had told her he had already marked her as his, there was a sense of exhilaration. Her whole body was caught up in the thrust of him within her, the feel of his body against hers, the way he held her down against the bed, and the feel of his sharp fangs as he pressed them into her flesh.

  One moment’s pain as his fangs pierced her skin and he thrust deeply inside her, and the orgasm ripped through her. Her inner muscles went into spasm around him, massaging his climax from his body as he released his fangs from her skin and savoured the taste of her blood. His seed exploded from his body as he held against her, before pulling back his hips and thrusting back into her, pumping his seed deep inside her body until he was spent.

  Zoe felt the rush of excitement within her. It was mixed with a hefty dose of anxiety at the knowledge of what her mate was. It certainly would have been easier to accept her mate if he was Lycan, or Fae, or even human, but Vampire…

  She had let him stew outside by himself for long enough. If she left him much longer he might start to become antsy and she didn’t know his temperament. Lycans would fight at the drop of a hat, or even without one, but he was a vampire, top of their particular food chain, king on the hill, would he fight for the sake of it? He’d already squared up to Riff once. The last thing she wanted was blood on her hands because she was procrastinating. As for her pack, they had been warned about him. Dex had made it quite clear he was to be given a wide birth, but stuff happens and she didn’t want it to happen on her watch.

  Zoe stilled herself before she took that first step out of the house. She knew where she would find him, he’d been sitting on the tree stump since following her back to the house, and when she appeared in the doorway h
is eyes were already on hers and she felt a subtle shiver run through her entire body as she walked towards him.

  “You do a real good impression of a garden gnome.” She saw the amusement light up the darkness of his eyes and felt a flutter inside her that only a true mate could initiate.

  “Thank you, it’s nice to know my lifetime’s achievements have not been in vain.” He pulled himself to his feet with an easy grace and Zoe let her eyes roam over his body. Tall and broad in the chest and shoulders, although not as powerful looking as a Lycan, but with a strength that couldn’t be matched by anything else on the planet, he literally oozed sex appeal as most vampires did. Even if he wasn’t her mate she would have found him sexually attractive. Just those dark eyes alone, gazing at her from under black brows was enough for the rush of goose bumps across her skin.

  “Was gargoyle just too hard for you?” She walked to the side of him, like a predator circling its intended kill. Her hand reached up for the low lying branch of the tree and her fingertips brushed over the rough bark like a lovers touch as she kept her eyes fixed solely on his.

  “They don’t come with fishing rods…” His words were almost a whisper, but they carried on the breeze towards her, and his deep velvet tone caressed her senses in the same way his touch would have.

  Zoe looked back over her shoulder at him. Her eyes showing him amusement as well as attraction and George knew he could lose himself in her eyes for the rest of eternity.

  The need just to touch her was too great within him and he reached out and brushed his fingertips lightly over the bare skin of her shoulder, the impact on both mates was instantaneous. Zoe didn’t move as the rush to arousal swept through her. Her big wide eyes clouded darker as she stared up at him, and her lips parted just a breath as his touch continued down her arm.

  “She-wolf” He breathed out, caught up in her eyes and the touch of her skin that left him wanting so much more.


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